International Jounal of Legislative Drafting and Law Reform

Good Governance In Pakistan Through Effective Laws: A Case Study of Legislative Drafting and Law Reform Processes in Pakistan


  • Sohail Ahmed Ansari1 (Author)
  • Abid Mehmood (Author)
  • Abid Mehmood (Author)
  • Ramzan Ali Mongool (Author)


Good governance is an outcome of long legal battle between the ruling class and the
representatives of people. It ensures rule of law instead of one man show. It gives a
culture of governance and process of resolving the problems of needy people. It
involves the people in decision making in every stage of political set up. It ensures
transparency, accountability, participation and evaluation at every stage of governance.
A golden legislative bullet cannot establish “Good Governance”. It requires the review,
evaluate and reform the entire legal system. Every effort has been made to search out
the causes of the failure of laws in Pakistan and why there could be no good
governance for the oppressed, poor and needy people. In Pakistani legal system there
are laws in books but not in field. Through this research paper a concept of enacting
effective and viable laws is discussed, which will bring prosperity and well being in the
lives of nation. For any effort or authority will fail to bring peace and prosperity in the
country, if there are ineffective and non-implementable laws. The basic reasons for their
non-compliance are that they are not consistent with social and cultural norms of
Pakistani society, although they are enacted for the benefit of public at large and poor
people in particular. Likewise economic benefits; sometimes, clash with social & cultural
values of the society. Therefore, financial laws will not be enforced in letter & spirit. The
real solution will be the proper awareness of stakeholders to highlight the social &
psychological complications of the society. The same will be resolved through legislative
bill. The modern theory of legislative drafting could provide positive and appropriate
solutions for making the Pakistani laws effective and implementable.

Author Biographies

  • Abid Mehmood

    Advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan, prominent legal researcher and a student of
    PhD in Law.

  • Ramzan Ali Mongool

    Leading Legal Research Associate of Balochistan.

Published: 11.10.2024

How to Cite

Good Governance In Pakistan Through Effective Laws: A Case Study of Legislative Drafting and Law Reform Processes in Pakistan. (2024). International Jounal of Legislative Drafting and Law Reform, 3(1), 15-41.